Brain dump, ugly questions style

  • Why do I save my ugliest side for the people I love the most while I put on a good facade for acquaintances?  Ugh.
  • Can I listen to music with terrible lyrics and still retain my morals?
  • Am I a bad mom because I hate this stage of feeding Paige?  (Huge messes & fighting for each spoonful to make it in the mouth)
  • Why does my mind stick on certain people that I would rather not remember (and probably shouldn’t)?
  • Is there any really “safe” food to eat?  When I think I’m doing alright, I learn new information about how canned tomatoes are secretly killing us.
  • Why can’t I be satisfied with my weight loss?  I’m finally under my pre-pregnancy weight but still struggling to accept my “new” body.
  • Is couponing really worth my time?
  • Should I disable Facebook from my phone?  Or better yet, should I downgrade my smart phone?
  • Why can I justify watching something stupid and mindless on tv, but tell myself I am too busy/tired/sick to make time for exercise?
  • If the grass isn’t really greener on the other side, why does my mind keep wandering over there?

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