Power Hours

As every mom knows, nap time hours are a precious, precious natural resource.  If not for naps, many regular things wouldn’t happen like showering, e-mail correspondence, and mopping the kitchen floor.  So, it was much to my dismay that recently Paige transitioned from two daily naps to one.

Before motherhood, my sister and I coined a phrase that applies to our superhero-like ability to get a laundry list of house chores done in a limited time:  power hours.  If given an hour left to our own devices, we could be incredibly, incredibly productive.  Unload and reload the dishwasher?  Check.  Fold the whites and dry the darks?  Yes.  Clean out the fridge and make a grocery list?  No problem.  Wipe the counters, put the coffee grounds down the disposal and marinate chicken for tomorrow’s dinner?  Bam, bam and bam.

The number one thing that used to interfere with my power hours was my husband, cajoling me away from my lists with the allure of tv-watching or the noble pursuit going to the gym.  But having a baby is a whole different ball game.  There is the knowledge that nothing can, will, could, would get done in life with an awake toddler.  So, as soon as she is soundly asleep, I am Lysoling the toilet bowl and bringing last week’s towels down to the washer, followed by about 39 other mini tasks.  It’s now or never.

However, then there are days like today.  Days when I am thisclose to being caught up on life.  When there is only 1 load of laundry to be folded and put away instead of 6.  When dinner is already decided for tonight, and groceries for the week are put away.  When there is one bill to be paid, but it could wait until next week.  I am lacking the motivation for a power hour, but simultaneously feel guilty for not taking full advantage of productivity during my little one’s nap.

During this lull in the day, I feel slightly dissatisfied.  Not with my wonderfully full life.  Not with my happy toddler or my thoughtful husband.  With the direction of my life.  Where am I going?

It’s a nice feeling to get caught up on house chores, even if ever so slightly.  But what I am really looking for is another way to invest my power hours.  Something with greater payoff.  I’m not working, partly due to the circumstances of not finding an appropriate part-time job and partly for other reasons.

I wish I had greater direction for what is coming next, for what projects deserve my time investments so I know how to spend these spare moments that come around infrequently.  Because when I hear a little sound coming from the baby monitor, I know my time is done for the day and I’m back to being on-duty mom.  Other goals will have to wait.